The following is taken from the August 1, 2010 edition of the Pastor's Pen (which is printed on the back side of our Sunday bulletin).
What a week!
This past week we had Vacation Bible School here at Fellowship Baptist Church from Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. It was great to see all of the young people come out each day to hear the Bible taught and to participate in the games and crafts.
We had a pretty consistent group just over 30 children each day of Vacation Bible School and from the reports I have heard over the week, they all had a great time.
Not only did we have a good group of young people come out for the Vacation Bible School, we also had a great team of workers. As I was trying to figure out exactly how many adults and young people came out to help with Vacation Bible School, I discovered that at least 20 workers participated in at least one aspect of the ministry at least one day. Many folks wore multiple hats throughout the week and in the days preceding VBS as the building was decorated, flyers were given out, and much "behind the scenes" type of work was completed. A lot of the clean-up has been completed, but you will probably notice little things that still need to completed as you move around today. Use those things as a reminder to pray that the Lord will continue to work in the lives of those touched by our Vacation Bible School this week.
Not only did we have Vacation Bible School for the younger children during the week, on Friday evening we had the Cola Clash Youth Rallyand had around 20 young people come out and participate in the Cola Clash. We had a good time and a Gospel message was preached. I again wish to thank all of those involved with helping out with the Cola Clash.
Debra Blades
Today will be Debra Blades' last Sunday here at Fellowship before she moves to Tennessee to live with sister. We have loved having Debra as part of our church and will greatly miss her smiling face. Please continue to pray for her as she moves to Tennessee and continues to battle cancer.
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