Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hardingville Bible Church Choir at FBC

Sunday night, May 21 was a night of exceptional blessing at Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury.

The Adult Choir from Hardingville Bible Church came down and provided a Sacred Concert at our church. Mr. Dave Hibbard (the choir director at HBC) did an excellent job of preparing the choir for this time of ministry.

The choir sang a number of songs and interspersed the singing with testimonies of God's grace and mercy. I know that a number of our people were blessed by this evening of ministry.

I was also encouraged by the wonderful acustics that our building provides. A number of the team commented on how great things sounded in the building.

On a pastoral note, it makes me long for the time when our own choir will be ringing out praise in this new building.

On a personal note, it was neat to see some of our former teens again. It is amazing how quickly people grow up. We enjoyed getting a chance to see some old friends again and to see teens that we had worked with serving him by singing and playing piano. We had a nice time of fellowship afterwards, but it would have been nice to spend a lot more time together.

On a humerous note (sort of), it was Missy and my twelveth wedding anniversary and we received a card from a friend whose anniversary is in the same general time period who commented that they did not have a whole choir come and sing for their anniversary like "some people."

In Christ,

Pator Frank Sansone

BTW, Dave Hibbard, the choir director, has also put out an excellent CD of sacred music entitled, Along Life's Road: Songs for My Savior. I believe that Dave still has some left if you would like to order them. He can be contacted at or at 856-863-4992.

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