Saturday, May 06, 2006

Join us for our new series

He appears abruptly on the pages of Scripture and he leaves just as abruptly. In the pages in between, we find a man who God used in an extra-ordinary way. A man who saw God hold off the rain at his word. A man that prayed and saw God send fire. A man that stood boldly before the corrupt ruler of the land and denounced the ruler's sin to his face. A man that also experienced great depression and asked God to let him die.

This man, of course, is the great prophet Elijah.

When we think of Elijah, may our heart burn to be used by God in a manner like Elijah.

For the next few weeks we are going to be looking at the life of this extraordinary man of God during our Sunday morning services. We would love to have you come out and join us for these services.

We started the series on Sunday, April 30 and the first sermon in the series is available for listening or downloading on the "Sermons" page.

Hope to see you out.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

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