Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Building Is Coming Along

Things have been busy the last couple of weeks as we get things together in the new building that the Lord has provided for us. It is a time of excitement and challenge as we seek to get the building ready for our building dedication Sunday on April 9.

I am looking forward to see what God is going to do in and through our church. It has been neat to see some additional peole come out to the new building, despite the fact that we have not really advertised that we are in the new building, yet. It has also been good to see how everyone is chipping and helping - both in the labor and in the finances. We have been able to paint the entire sanctuary (including the roof), walls have been spackled and repaired, the orange room is painted and now is a temporary office (until we get use of the rest of the building in a month or so), the green room is painted and is no longer a green room. (It will be funny if we keep referring to these rooms by the color that they are no longer covered with.) The flower beds have been mulched and planted. The lobby has been set up as a beautiful entrance to the church. The nursery has been painted and then stenciled. We have been given a new stove, refridgerator and cabinet and work has been done in the kitchen. The sound system is being worked on so that it can be controlled from the sound room instead of from underneath the communion table. People have babysat children so that others could work. It has been neat to see everything coming together.

Okay, I just rambled. Everyone has been so helpful that you want to mention everything, even though I know I will miss stuff.

We still have some more to do, but progress is replacing the mess.

Please continue to help in whatever ways that the Lord has laid on your heart. Also, please continue to invite others to come out to the Building Dedication Sunday on April 9. Pastor Mark Franklin will preach the 10:45 a.m. service and Pastor Steve Wagner (the founding Pastor of Messiah Baptist Fellowship) will preach the 2:00 Building Dedication Service. In addition to this, we will have a Fellowship Lunch, Special Music, and some special visitors - including Pastor and Mrs. Woodhall who served as interim here at Messiah Baptist Fellowship prior to my arrival. We will also be officially changing our name to Fellowship Baptist Church on that Sunday.

If you are reading this and do not normally come out, may I encourage you to join us for that special day. We would love to have you as our guest.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

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