Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pastor's Pen - 2010-08-22

An Eventful Time

The next month or so should prove to be an eventful time here at Fellowship Baptist Church.

Next Sunday we will celebrate with a church dinner and then a Baptism service at the Nanticoke River. It is always a highlight of our church year to be able to worship together and to see believers obey the Lord by being baptized.

Our Lord Himself commanded us to baptize (Matthew 28:19) and set an example for us by being baptized Himself (Matthew 3:13- 17). When these folks are baptized next week, it is a testimony not only of their following Christ in obedience, but also a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to those watching.

Not only do we get to celebrate these baptisms, in the coming days there are a number of other events that demand our time, attention and prayer.

* On October 10, our church will celebrate our church anniversary with a special service and a lunch.

* On October 13, we will be launching our first-ever weekly teen ministry and weekly children's ministry.

* On October 17, we will be beginning a new Sunday afternoon Bible study that I think will be informative and challenging.

In addition to these events, there are many other things that are happening. From Labor Day to the start of school to Promotion Sunday for Sunday School to an FFBC Youth Rally, the calendar is filling up with many opportunities for ministry and fellowship.

Pastor's Pen - 2010-08-15

A Good Week at the FFBC Annual Conference

My family and I had the privilege to attend the 71st Annual Conference of the Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churche at Tri-State Bible Camp and Conference Center this past week. It was a good few days with some other good and Godly men and their families.

The FFBC Annual Conference is an interesting combination of events. As the Annual Conference, it serves as the annual business meeting of the FFBC, complete with reports, budgets, elections, motions and all of the other stuff that make business meetings exciting and fun :) However, it is much more than just a business meeting. It is also a time of encouragement and spiritual challenge, as well as a time for some relaxation and fun.

This year our main speaker was Dr. Dick Stratton of Clearwater Christian College. Dr. Stratton not only preached Monday and Tuesday nights and for a chapel on Wednesday morning, he also led a workshop and participated in many of the other workshops. Dr. Stratton came down with Kidney Stones on Wednesday, so Pastor Mark Franklin played "pinch hitter" and preached a very good message from the book of Numbers. Mrs. Holly Stratton (Dick's wife and the speaker for this last year's Ladies Retreat) also spoke to the ladies three times during the week.

This year we also had a series of workshops that were offered and were well attended. I had the privilege of leading a workshop on Tuesday morning entitled, "Whatcha' Reading?" I was encouraged by the response to the workshop and pray that it was helpful.

Being at a camp, there are a lot of other activities that are available. The Pastors won this year's Pastor/Delegate Softball Game, folks went fishing, shot archery, played Tri-State Dodgeball, went swimming, worked on crafts, played carpetball, and spent some much needed time relaxing on the porch for fellowship and counsel. I also participated in at least four executive committee meetings, regular meetings, and was reelected to serve on the Executive Committee for another two years.

Pastor's Pen - 2010-08-08

The FFBC Annual Conference

This afternoon, my family and I will head up to Montague, New Jersey to participate in the 2010 Annual Conference of the Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches.

As many of you are aware, our church became a member of the Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches in August of 2007 at the Annual Conference. As a member of the FFBC, we stand together with other churches of like precious faith and seek to be a voice for Christ in the midst of a world of darkness.

The FFBC started in 1939 as the "Bible Protestant Church" - a Fundamental response to the theological liberalism that was becoming more and more prominent in the day. While the FFBC has changed in some of its details over the years - including the changing of the name in the 1980s, this group has continued to stand firmly on the Word of God and I rejoice that our church is able to stand with them.

The Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches has a couple of ministries that we are able to do as a group. Our church personally benefits from the "Church Development Program" which helps small churches and church plants through financial assistance. The FFBC also has an Annual Youth Rally - this year's is Sept. 25 in Carneys Point, New Jersey, a youth essay contest, a small church-housed Bible institute, and some other forms of ministries. The most prominent and recognized ministry of the FFBC is probably Tri-State Bible Camp, located on the Delaware River where New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania meet.

For the last few years I have had the privilege of serving on the Executive Committee of the FFBC and I rejoice in that opportunity of leadership within the FFBC. The Annual Conference is an interesting combination of business meeting, camp, activities, workshops and preaching. This year Dr. Richard Stratton from Clearwater Christian College is our main speaker.

In addition to participating in the Executive Committee meetings and the business meetings, this year I will also be leading a workshop on Tuesday morning. Please pray for us while we are gone.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Pastor's Pen - 2010-08-01

The following is taken from the August 1, 2010 edition of the Pastor's Pen (which is printed on the back side of our Sunday bulletin).

What a week!

This past week we had Vacation Bible School here at Fellowship Baptist Church from Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. It was great to see all of the young people come out each day to hear the Bible taught and to participate in the games and crafts.

We had a pretty consistent group just over 30 children each day of Vacation Bible School and from the reports I have heard over the week, they all had a great time.

Not only did we have a good group of young people come out for the Vacation Bible School, we also had a great team of workers. As I was trying to figure out exactly how many adults and young people came out to help with Vacation Bible School, I discovered that at least 20 workers participated in at least one aspect of the ministry at least one day. Many folks wore multiple hats throughout the week and in the days preceding VBS as the building was decorated, flyers were given out, and much "behind the scenes" type of work was completed. A lot of the clean-up has been completed, but you will probably notice little things that still need to completed as you move around today. Use those things as a reminder to pray that the Lord will continue to work in the lives of those touched by our Vacation Bible School this week.

Not only did we have Vacation Bible School for the younger children during the week, on Friday evening we had the Cola Clash Youth Rallyand had around 20 young people come out and participate in the Cola Clash. We had a good time and a Gospel message was preached. I again wish to thank all of those involved with helping out with the Cola Clash.

Debra Blades

Today will be Debra Blades' last Sunday here at Fellowship before she moves to Tennessee to live with sister. We have loved having Debra as part of our church and will greatly miss her smiling face. Please continue to pray for her as she moves to Tennessee and continues to battle cancer.