(Every year we have our Annual Members Meeting in January. At this meeting we review the previous year and seek to give some direction regarding the coming year. The following is a copy of the Pastor's Report for 2010, given at our Annual Members Meeting in January 2011). (Some edits have been made due to the "world wide" nature of the internet.)
Pastor's Report - 2010
I continue to be amazed at God's blessings. God is clearly doing a work here at Fellowship Baptist Church and for that I rejoice.
After a very eventful year in 2009 that brought significant growth in the number of attenders at Fellowship Baptist Church, 2010 brought some stability to that growth. This was seen in the steadiness of our weekly attendance, which averaged about 55 for the year. This was also seen by a seven new families officially joining the church during this year.
One of the most significant steps that we made in 2010 as a church was with the addition of regular weekly teen and children's ministries, starting in October. This is a big step for our church and it has been encouraging to see the faithfulness of the young people to both the ProTeens program for teenagers and the Truth Tracker program for children. I greatly appreciate the leadership of Brent Zockoll in leading the ProTeens program and of Commander Al and Angie Gore in leading the Truth Trackers program. I also appreciate the many other helpers and teachers who work in both of these programs.
This year featured a number of events and activities, including an adult fellowship, ladies retreat, teens at summer camp for the Wilds, a "Digital Dash" youth activity, Vacation Bible School during the summer, a family bike hike and a fall family fest. We also were able to enjoy our 5th Annual Father-Son Camp-out with some good fun and fellowship at the Insley's home in Tyaskin and our annual Pie N Praise, Christmas program, Christmas Eve candlelight service, Baptisms in the Nanticoke River and many more.
This year has seen a number of folks struggle with various sickness and we rejoice that even through these times of difficulty, we have a great God Whose way is always best. At the end of 2010, we were saddened with the death of Mr. Dick G., but we rejoice that Dick is now with the Christ he loved. Many of us also experienced the loss of family and friends in this year, including the death of my own father on February 28.
On the home front, I rejoice in the continued love and growth of my family. Missy continues to work hard at the hospital and serve in many capacities here at the church. Most importantly, she stands beside me as my helper and watches over our family. It seems hard to believe how much the children have grown in the time we have been here in Salisbury. I have had the privilege to baptize my two oldest children here and I rejoice that Rebekah trusted in Christ this Easter and look forward to baptizing her in the days ahead.
I have appreciated the continued assistance of and support of the Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches to our church this year. It was an encouragement that a few different churches took up the call to help us with the outreach effort of "Project Salisbury" that we put into effect in the fall. Although we did not see the results we would have liked, the effort of those who supported us was an encouragement to me.
I have appreciated the work that many have put into the ministry of the church over this past year. It is truly a good and Biblical thing that so many are actively functioning to "do the work of the ministry" (Eph. 4:12). It is my prayer that this continues and abounds in the coming days.
I want to thank you and I want to thank the Lord for the privilege He has given me of serving here as your Pastor. We love you guys and we look forward to what is going to do in coming days.
In Christ,
Pastor Frank Sansone