The last couple of weeks has been a very unusual time here in Salisbury. The strong snow storms back to back to back have taken a toll on a lot of folks. With roofs collapsing, cars getting stuck, children staying home from school day after day, and church services having been cancelled for two Sundays and a Wednesday night, it seems like we live in a winter wonderland rather than our normally sunny Delmarva.
We still have some work to do over the next couple of days to try to get the parking lot and sidewalks at church cleared off, but barring something unforseen, we should be able to have our services again this Sunday. (YAY!)
For those who may not have heard, due to the snow and the cancelled services, our Fellowship Sunday has been moved to February 28th. We will also have the Annual Members Meeting on that day after the Fellowship Meal.
It is my understanding that blogger is making some adjustments to the way that it does hosted blogs, so I may also be needing to make some adjustments to this small (and seldom used) pastoral blog some time in the near future.
Have a good day and may you focus on Christ as you walk and work today.
In Christ,
Pastor Frank Sansone