This spring, I set up Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury as an approved charity under Goodsearch.
Goodsearch is a search engine powered by Yahoo! that donates 1 cent ($.01) to your favorite charity for every search you make on the internet using Goodsearch. Like many of you, I tend to be a little skeptical of things like this, but I rejoice to be able to tell you that it actually works!
Recently Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury received our first check from Goodsearch in the amount of $49.71. You may think this is nothing to write home about (or blog about), but this can help us to be able to purchase Sunday School materials for about one quarter - for people doing nothing different that what they already do.
SO, here is my comment and my plea. If you are part of our church or a friend of our church, would you please consider using Goodserch to do your internet searching. If your church does not use Goodsearch, would you consider using Goodsearch as your search engine and designating Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury (Salisbury, MD) as your charity. (There is a pre-populated link on the right hand column of this blog to make it easy - or you can click here.)
If 10 people searched 10 times a day using Goodsearch, that would be $365 at the end of the year - not a huge amount to a lot of churches, but this additional money could easily be used for ministry.
In Christ,
Pastor Frank Sansone