Thursday, December 13, 2007

Join us during this Christmas Season

Fellowship Baptist Church rejoices in the opportunities of the Christmas season. It is a time of year to enjoy family and friends, to remember Christmas's of the past and to make memories of the future. Most importantly, it provides a great opportunity to think about what Christmas is really all about - the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Just to think about the fact that God became a man at Christmas is mind-boggling. The Bible tells us that Jesus "made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men" (Philippians 2:7) and that "God was manifest in the flesh" (1 Timothy 3:16).

It is not enough, however, to realize that Christmas is about Christ becoming a man, it is also important to remember the reason for this incarnation. Christmas happened for a reason! Christ became a man that He might die as our substitute on the cross. He was, indeed, "Born to Die."

We would love to have you join us for any of our services and would also love to sit down with you and show you from the Bible more about what Christmas is all about.

Merry Christmas,

Pastor Frank Sansone

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Don't forget the other services

I love God's people and I love to get together with God's people. At Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury, we meet a few times a week in order to provide greater opportunities for worship, fellowship, discipleship and growth.

Everyone is aware of our main Sunday morning worship service, but I want to encourage those who only come for the Sunday morning service to try to make a more concerted effort to make it out for the other services throughout the week.

On Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m., we have our Sunday School. Sunday School is a great opportunity for discipleship and Bible teaching in a smaller group setting. We have classes for all ages, including an adult Sunday School class.

On Sunday morning worship service at 11:00 a.m. seeks to bring glory to God as we worship together in Spirit and in truth. We sing hymns, pray, fellowship, and look into God's Word together on a weekly basis during this service.

On Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m., we have our Sunday evening Bible study. Sunday evening tends to follow a particular series and gets a little bit more in-depth with the teaching and preaching of God's Word. Currently, we are studying through the book of Philippians on Sunday night - with a particular emphasis on "Right Thinking Really Matters" looking at the concept of the mind and thinking in this great book.

On Wednesday nights, we try to focus the nights on prayer. We take requests and split up in prayer. Recently we started to focus on some public reading of the Word of God on Wednesday nights and have begun to read through the Gospels as part of our Wednesday night service. Our current schedule is designed so that we corporately read through the Gospels by the end of this year. We also have a questions time to answer any questions that may come up as a result of the Bible reading.

Anyway, I would like to encourage you to join us for all or our services at Fellowship Baptist Church. You may find the blessing extends beyond Sunday morning.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

Friday, August 03, 2007

Great time with Faith Baptist Church of Champaign, llinois

This past few days we have had the privilege at Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury of hosting a mission team from Faith Baptist Church in Champaign, Illinois.

The team came with Youth Pastor John Cashner, Jim and Dawn King and family, and eight teenagers. It was great to have the team here at the church and we rejoice in the great time that was had. It was great to have this group of young people with us for the week and we are encouraged by God's working throughout the week.

On Saturday, we visited a number of homes and gave out church brochures and invitation to the Cola Clash and Vacation Bible School. In the evening, we held a Cola Clash Youth Rally. We had over 20 young people in attendance and the activities went well and the spirit of the meeting was great. We had a number of visitors for the night and the Gospel was proclaimed. We are praying that some who came without Christ will come to know Christ through the message that was preached and through the tracts and other information that was given out to those who came.

On Sunday we had a Fellowship Sunday and Pastor Cashner preached the afternoon service.

Monday through Wednesday nights we had Vacation Bible School, with the group from Illinois running everything. The team also completed some needed tasks around the church and were a real blessing. I know that our people also enjoyed the times of fellowship with the group throughout the week.

Thanks for coming, Faith Baptist Church. May God continue to bless you as you serve Him.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cola Clash Youth Rally and Evening Vacation Bible School coming July 28 - August 1, 2007

Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury is excited about a couple of upcoming activities for young people.

On Saturday, July 28, we will be hosting a "Cola Clash". This activitiy will feature some great activities for teenagers as we meet together from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday night. Among the activities are Tube Tug, Spoke Tackle, and Big Ball Volleyball. We will also have some hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and a great time of fellowship together. To conlude the night, we will have a message from the Bible to answer questions about God and eternity.

See the "activities" page at for a flyer and some more information.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights, we will be having an EVENING VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. each night. This special second VBS of the year is being conducted by a team from Faith Baptist Church in Champaign, Illinois. We will have Bible stories, singing, balloon animals and more. Please make plans on joining us for this special time.

Again, you can check out the "activities" page at for a flyer and some more information.

Look forward to seeing you there.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Vacation Bible School is Here!

This week, June 25-29, 2007, Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury is hosting our second annual Vacation Bible School.

This year's theme for Vacation Bible School is Rescue Zone: Saved by God's Power. We will be looking at a number of Bible stories that remind us of the fact of God's saving power, as well as considering some of the local heroes who are involved in rescuing folks all around - such as the fire department, policemen, paramedics, and coast guard.

Vacation Bible School for this year is from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon from Monday through Friday. We will have a Bible teaching, singing, games, snacks, crafts and more. This is a totally free activity for ages 4 years old through those completing the sixth grade.

If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to call the church.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Community Awareness Day and Special Meetings one week away!

In one week, Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury, Maryland will be hosting a Community Awareness Day as an outreach to our community. This day will feature special music, good fellowship, refreshments, and good preaching from Evangelist Ron DeGarde.

Community Awareness Day will also serve as the "kick off" for our Spring Special Meetings with Evangelist Ron DeGarde and his family.

If you are in the area, we would love for your to visit us for any of the services.

Sunday School - 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service - 6:00 p.m.
Monday - Thursday Evenings - 7:00 p.m. each night
If you do not live in the area, pray that God would use these meetings for His glory.
For more information, see this page: Ron DeGarde Meetings
In Christ,
Pastor Frank Sansone

Friday, February 02, 2007

Last night, Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury, Maryland hosted the Bob Jones University Musical Ministry Team.

While we were down a little in attendance, the service went very nice as the team sang, played their instruments, and gave testimonies regarding God's working in their lives. Mr. Jon Reddick also delivered a short sermon on 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 and the value of love.

I appreciate the fact that the various Fundamental colleges and universities are willing to send their teams to small churches like ours. Since I have been down here in Salisbury, we have had the privilege of hosting teams from Bob Jones University, Maranatha Baptist Bible College, and Northland Baptist Bible College. Each time they have come it has been a blessing to our church and they have all represented their schools well.

While some might say that because we do not have a lot of teenagers, yet, in our church that these teams are wasting their times (after all, surely the justification for teams like this comes in part from the fact that they help to recruit teens to their respective schools). However, I appreciate the fact that the teams have not given that impression, but have instead taken an interest and talked with our folks and took the opportunity to minister to those who were there.

While we do have a few teens (and I praying that God would lead them towards a good solid Fundamental college), the reality is that by coming to a church like ours with very few teens, these teams are also helping to form a positive view of their schools in the lives of the parents and younger children - something that may indeed help in their enrollment down the road.

Anyway, I just wanted to take the time to encourage Pastors out there to host these teams when they are in your area and I wanted to say "thank you for coming" to Jon, Deb, Katie, Kimmy, James and Joey. Have a safe tour.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Visit us for the Sacred Sounds team on February 1

On Thursday, February 1, Fellowship Baptist Church will host the Sacred Sounds Musical Ministry Team from Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina.

We are looking forward to having the team join us for a time of singing and testimonies of God's goodness.

Having the service on Thursday may help some come who could not normally come. (This Thursday night service will take the place of our regular Wednesday night service this week.)

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, February 1 at 7:00 p.m.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone