Many years ago, the angel of the Lord told Joseph, "She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). The message of salvation that the angel proclaimed to Joseph is the same message of salvation that we must proclaim today. Jesus has come to save people from their sins. What a glorious truth to proclaim at this Christmas season!
We are excited about what God has been doing at Fellowship Baptist Church this year. When we take some time to look back over the year, it is with great awe that I echo the words of the Psalmist when he said, "O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever" (Psalm 30:12).
While I do not have the space here to highlight many of God's blessings this year, I am reminded of great things He hath done.
* In January, we took a building fund offering and the Lord blessed with $20,000 to help us complete the purchase of our new building.
* In February, we moved into our new facilities at 1308 Robins Avenue, but had to continue praying as there was some complications with the purchase.
* In March, we finally closed on the new building and began to get it ready for the building dedication.
* In April, we had our Building Dedication Sunday and over 100 people visited us for this special day as Pastor Mark Franklin and Pastor Steve Wagner preached the Word.
* In the summer, we had our first Father-Son Camp-out and our first Vacation Bible School.
* In September, we had our church picnic and baptisms in the Nanticoke River at the Insley's.
* In October, we began our Sunday School program with a great percentage of our people - both children and adults - coming out to study God's Word in Sunday School.
* In November, we had our second annual Pie N Praise service on Thanksgiving Eve.
This month, we are anticipating another good month of ministry and fellowship here at FBC and we pray that you will be a part of it.
On Saturday, December 16 at 6:00 p.m., we will meet at the church to go Christmas caroling and have a time of fellowship at our house after the caroling. There is also a ladies cookie exchange at 5:00 p.m. at the church before the caroling begins.
On Sunday, December 24, we will have a children's Christmas program as part of our morning service and a special Candlelight Christmas Communion for our Christmas Eve service.
On Sunday, December 31, Dr. William Woodhall will be our guest speaker during the morning service and we will be using our projector to watch a special film presentation during the evening service.
May Jesus Christ be exalted as we remember His birth.
In Christ,
Pastor Frank Sansone